Cedar is the symbol of Lebanon

Cedar is the symbol of Lebanon

Cedar is an evergreen tree belonging to the pine family. It is grown as an ornamental plant for its beautiful shape, pleasant aroma and high-quality wood. To learn more, follow the following article, which provides information about rice

rice in history

Rice had an important role in ancient culture. The Cedars of Lebanon are often mentioned and used to build the temple of our master Solomon and to build the house of our master David. Cedarwood oil, extracted from the leaves, woods, and roots of the tree, was one of the first ingredients in perfumery

The ancient Sumerians used cedarwood oil as a base for painting, and the ancient Egyptians used it in their embalming practices

rice specification

Cedar is a tree up to 30 to 40 m (98 to 131 ft) (sometimes 60 m (200 ft)) tall with fragrant pods, densely pubescent or square bark, and broad, flat branches

There are two types of buds, the long buds form the framework of the branches and the short buds bear most of the leaves. The leaves are evergreen and needle-shaped, 8-60 mm long, arranged in open spirals on long shoots and in dense spiral clusters of 15-45 together on short shoots

They vary from green to dark green, passing through pale green and pale blue, with a white waxy coating that protects the leaves from drying out

The female cones are barrel-shaped, 6-12 cm long and 3-8 cm wide, first green, then ripening gray-brown

Seeds 10-15 mm long with a wingspan of 20-30 mm, the seeds contain 2-3 blisters containing an unpleasant-tasting substance believed to be a defense against squirrels that eat them

The cones take a year to ripen, with pollination in the fall and the seeds ripening at the same time a year later. Male pollen cones are slender, oval in shape, 3-8 cm long, produced in late summer and pollinated in autumn

rice extracts

The Cedar family includes four species (Arrodar Cedar, Atlas Cedar, Cyprus Cedar, Lebanon Cedar) within the Pine family

These are true cedars, but many other trees are known as cedars, such as Atlantic white cedar, northern white cedar, eastern cedar, and western cedar

When cedar is used to describe trees native to the United States, it refers to a group of coniferous or conical" trees that contain highly aromatic woods. They are "fake" trees or cedar

cedar lebanon

It is a large tree reaching 130 feet in height. They are conical in shape at first, but as adults they have a flat crown and horizontal branches, creating a long, tapered silhouette. It has grayish brown bark and dark green needles

rice atlas

It is a medium-sized cedar that reaches 60 feet in height. When mature, it becomes a flat tree with dark gray bark with flat, thin scales and blue-green to evergreen needles

deodar rice

The slightly smaller Deodar Cedar grows a pyramid-shaped tree about 50 feet tall and has smooth gray or blue needles and drooping branches

fake rice

False cedar is an evergreen tree or shrub in the cypress family (Cupressaceae) that can grow to 30 feet tall and has short, needle-like leaves and thin bark often set in thin strips

Western cedar (called Pacific cedar because it is found in the Pacific Northwest of the United States), is an evergreen tree and belongs to the genus Thuja. It is a large tree up to 200 feet tall, with dense drooping branches and a conical crown

Northern white cedar of the genus Thuja. Medium sized tree up to 50 feet tall. It has a gray to reddish-brown bark that tears easily, tapering to a pyramidal crown, and extending on thick branches

rice benefits

Rice has many advantages, including

It is useful in the manufacture of wood using cedar wood, which is one of the best types of wood, and is characterized by its intelligent aromatic smell

The ancient Egyptians used the cedar tree to embalm their dead, as well as to build their palaces, temples, and tombs. The oil is extracted from its wood and is useful in many therapeutic and aesthetic cases


To prevent muscle spasms, bone and joint pain, and to help treat kidney pain and infections

Get rid of dandruff by mixing some cedar oil with turmeric and rubbing the head with it

Calms nerves and relieves stress

It is considered antiseptic by mixing it with sandalwood oil

Helps treat and get rid of acne and its effects

Cedarwood oil can be used as a type of scented deodorant and to give a home or place a distinct aromatic scent
